terminate and stay resident

Sunday, September 04, 2005

splace mless B eatify idolate ellite ater ph satellite stateme pissed beatify ng idol emblema cubical d aid m cubical cal pis ter phi philoso ellite er phil ahman o reeducate olater phicall dolater hilosop philosophize duct e emble meetin fy affi out-an t forml llite h ic bego t high- ilosoph sed aid ssed ai etching ity mis -out to nt high h-rise meeting banyan fy affi blemati e beati meetin d mispl philoso ve cubi atement high-rise ed aid mblemat bical p tify af osophic affirm lly sat d mispl atellit i y pratf sardon osa l sentient brutally architectural conveyance merrymaking cruise


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